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Minutes 2-28-12
Holland Conservation Commission

Minutes of Commission meeting held on February 28, 2012

Present: Nathan Gumlaw, Chairperson, Marcia Beal, Mary Lovett, James Wettlaufer, with Neil Byrne of 29 Lakeridge Drive as observer.

Absent: Patricia Caron and Marianne Martone

Chairperson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The minutes of the January 24, 2012 meeting were read and approved.

Old Business
Members were reminded of the MACC conference and Nate Gumlaw, Mary Lovett, Marcia Beal and Neil Byrne will attend.

The e DEP was discussed.

New Business

7:30 PM - Public hearing to discuss replacement of an 18 inch pipe on Leno Road close to 95 Leno Road. Present were Brian Johnson and Joanna Higgins from the Highway Department, Mark Stinson from the DEP and Richard Sobieski, an abutter at 99 Leno Road. Exchanged photographs taken during the site visit on February 22, 2012 with Brian Johnson, Joanna Higgins, Mark Stinson and Marcia Beal The Highway department wishes to replace the 18 inch pipe with a 30 inch ADS culvert and a new pipe imbedded 1 ½ feet below the existing grade of the pipe to be removed. Water flow will be diverted and the water pumped with a bypass pump. It will be a one day project. The road will be re-paved. The project was discussed and Nathan Gumlaw proposed we accept the project. Mary Lovett seconded the motion and it was passed.

7:50 PM - Richard Sobieski of 99 Leno Road complained of running sewerage coming down the road from 103 Leno Road. when it rains. He said the health department has been notified and has registered his complaint with the DEP. James Wettlaufer stated he would personally look into this to see that this is acted upon.

8:00 PM - Hearing for Gary Boniface of 11 Craig Street, Lot R21-A-13 to replace wall at the waterfront. He will return on March 13, 2012 at 7:30 PM when he will receive an Enforcement Order for his wall replacement.

8:30 PM - A town request for a Certificate of Compliance was made but a maintenance procedure needs to be set up. The Certificate of Compliance is on hold as this work goes out to bid. When this is completed then the Certificate of Compliance will be accepted.

8:40 PM - Certificate of Compliance signed for Michael Lyman of 344 Mashapaug Road, Map R6, Lots A-11 and A-12.

8:45 PM - Certificate of Compliance signed for Henri Baillargeon of 215 Mashapaug Road, Map[ R 28, Lot A-5.

8:55 PM - Neil Byrne expressed interest in becoming a member of the Commission and will be sworn in for the next meeting.

9:00 PM - Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by,
Marcia Beal, Acting Secretary

Copies to Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, ZBA